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Our very own Lois Hammond has recently had her book published. She shares her journey as God has instructed her to, in order to bless others. Below, a letter from Lois. 

Dear Friends,  

This had been an exciting week for me. I approached writing my story with much trepidation wondering who would want to read it, but I felt strongly that God was asking me to share it. Finally I have the book in my hand and I have been filling orders. One friend has enthusiastically become my sales agent in Calgary and my Chinese friends are advertising it on wee-chat. Someone stated that the cover has "curb appeal" and I'm so grateful to Isaac for creating such a beautiful cover. Another friend just told me that he read it in two sittings and wants 5 more copies. I gave a copy to the head of Hawthorne Care Center where Warren lives, and she asked if she could use one of my pictures to share with her board as it depicts what all the residents and their families are going through. WOW! And I haven't really gotten around to advertising it. HELP! I need to ask for another couple of boxes of books to be shipped to me from Calgary as I'm on my last one here.   In my last email I said that I was getting a new wheelchair for Warren. He now has it, but it isn't what I ordered. A friend read about my plan and offered me the use of her late husband's chair. It is a win-win situation -- she has freed up some garage space, and Warren has a suitable chair for a fraction of the cost of a new one. All this comes as Warren is failing to be able to sit straight in his chair and is struggling with eating. He is on a puree diet, but he chews endlessly and pockets it rather than swallowing. Staff have asked me now to help with his feeding since he is so slow whereas he used to be the first one finished. I bring juice from home so he gets some stimulation with different flavors, and even give him small pieces of fruit or soft cake, and how about some mashed yams or some pork n beans. I can see him smile as he chews!    And so we "walk our journey" each in our own way. I still share Psalm 23 and The Lord's Prayer with Warren, and sometimes I get a glimpse of a smile as he listens to the familiar.   If you are interested in getting the whole scoop you will just have to read the book. 
