Women's Connections are looking forward to growing deeper in our faith & friendships in 2025.
Ladies Fellowship Group Bible Study for all ages meets every Tuesday at 10:00am in the Sanctuary. Please join us as we learn together and encourage and support each other. Coffee, Tea and goodies are always available.
If you would like to be on the email list Contact Kathryn Klassen at krak.klassen@shaw.ca or (604)340-9947 for more info.
Would you be interested in making items for MCC INFANT CARE KITS or SCHOOL KIT BAGS? There are some ladies sewing blankets, t-shirts and gowns and bags.Give Kathryn a call at (604)340-9947 or e-mail krak.klassen@shaw.ca for info on how you can get involved in this worthwhile project. If you are not a sewer you can donate bars of Dove Sensitive soap, or 6-9 month onesies. Also if you are a knitter, hats & booties are needed. Contact Kathryn for sizing.
Join us for our Sewing Bee on the 1st Wednesday of the month at Monica Severinson's. Let Kathryn know if you are interested.
Friday Walking Club at 10:00am. If you are interested in being on the e-mail list please let me(Kathryn) know at krak.klassen@shaw.ca or (604)340-9947.
Join Book Chats. Meets the 4th Wednesday evening of the month.
Check the Book Club page for current info. Contact Kathryn at (604)340-9947 for more info.