Our hearts go out to the events currently transpiring in the Ukraine. That, coupled with millions of refugees fleeing the war, makes the situation desperate and sad. When the one part of the body of Christ suffers, the others suffer with them. There is a confidence though, that through the suffering, God is very present in the Ukraine.
One of the ministries that ERBF partners with, is Multiply. They are asking firstly for prayer and secondly for giving to aid their support efforts. Please see their update by clicking here: https://multiply.net/ukraine-in-crisis
On February 24, Russian military forces began an invasion of Ukraine by land, sea and air. Missiles struck several major cities in Ukraine, including the capital city Kyiv. Casualties continue to grow as Russian soldiers enter the country. The conflict has been ongoing between Russia and Ukraine since late 2013, with Russia annexing the Crimea peninsula in March 2014.
MCC has worked in Ukraine since our beginnings in 1920, opening soup kitchens to provide relief to thousands of starving families. Our current projects include relief, peace, health and education.
Since the beginning of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, MCC has worked with partners to assist internally displaced people (IDPs) and to build peace. The UNHCR reports there are some 1.8 million IDPs and conflict-affected people in Ukraine.
MCC staff outside their home context were evacuated from Ukraine. Staff still in Ukraine are carefully following security protocols and monitoring the rapidly evolving situation. MCC continues to maintain contact with partners and churches. Please check out the MCC website for the lastest update.
As a global MB family, we feel very connected to Ukraine, not only because the historical roots of our MB movement are there, but because we partner with a network of twenty-five MB churches there. We are in close contact with leaders like Maxym and Anya Oliferovski, who oversee Multiply’s work in Ukraine, and with Johann Matthies, our Regional Team Leader for Europe and Central Asia. In a recent video call with them (see below) they shared with us how we can help. For the lastest updates & videos from church leaders in Ukraine CLICK HERE. Let’s come together in these times of crisis to support one another and proclaim together the hope of Christ.